This is a blog for a club on Stardoll called SoFUNtastic. The blog is about the club, but It's also about Stardoll. :)

Monday, May 16, 2016

3 Outfits, 1 Dress

Hello Everyone!

I started experimenting with some clothes, and somehow created 3 different outfits with one dress, so I thought I'd share them with you!

The first outfit is very cute and elegant. The second one is still elegant, but a bit more cozy. It's perfect for fall/autumn. The last outfit is similar to the first outfit. It has a necklace, and different shoes.

If you want to buy the dress you can get it for 20 SD from Nelly.

What's your favorite outfit from above?

Have fun, bye! :)

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SoFUNtastic is a club on Stardoll. It is all about fun! Don't forget to join if you want to have fun and meet friends! :)

So Fun-tastic Blog

Club updates, giveaways, comps and more will be posted here in the blog. Also, posts about Stardoll in general will be posted here and there too. :)


If you just found this blog you may not know what Stardoll is. It is a game about fame, fashion and friends. Members can make their own clubs there, and that's what SoFUNtastic is. :)

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